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The trail is an easy trail but it is very steep. One important caution  you need to know is that you are not allowed to touch anything local by an outsider; they meant somebody who is not from Rasol and Malana so even if you are from a different part of Himachal, you are still considered as an outsider. So as an outsider, you cannot touch anything Also, they have a temple and you cannot touch that temple either. And if you touch it, you will have to pay a fine of 5000 rupees and there is a boundary; you cannot cross that boundary either. So that is their local custom land, and as an outsider, it’s our duty to respect that. You will have a soothing experience in the Parvati valley. There is no internet here, but the cafes and homestays have WiFi, which you may expect. The price of the homestays is 800 to 900 rupees per night, including wifi in Parvati Valley. And if anyone wants to stay here for a month, they can give 15000 rupees and stay here for the month. It’s a very peaceful place. 

Here are details of  things to do in kasol:

Katta gala:

Wherever you are coming from, Katagala or Kasol, you have to go to Chalal. Chalal is a very famous village nowadays in Parvati valley. The main trail to Parvati valley has two ways: one is going to Chalal and the other is going to Estonia. In Chalal you will see an array of homestays and cafes so in Chalal, you don’t really feel like you are in a village. Except for a few corners, you will find some villagers living in a traditional way . So the first stretch of the trail is the first 3 km. In the first 3 km, it is different because you will not find any shop , stall or anything. It’s more forest friendly and you will see a beautiful waterfall after you reach the midpoint of the trek. Then the next stretch is more open, I would say, because there are villagers and there are people. The views are very beautiful and you can almost see three to four tiered wooden houses over there. And you will find people are so hard-working throughout the trail, like people are carrying almirah . 


A lot of the crowd gets filtered out from Kasol because obviously over here no cars can come out when you have to walk up . You can get a porter but at the end of the day you still have to do the walking; the porter can’t carry you. And the views started changing. It was so beautiful already on the way from Kasol to Kalga. There’s a beautiful homestay in Kalga called Yalakhom homestay. You can get amazing views from the Yalakom homestay and also the food there is very delicious. Also, they have a lot of Himalayan cuisines like thukpa, etc. There’s also a secret waterfall in Kalga, which is very beautiful.

Another thing I would highly recommend when you are in Kasol valley is coming to Off limits cafe. This cafe is one of India’s first hem-based cafes here and more than that, a lot us don’t even know that the nutritional values of hemp You should definitely come here and try this out, eat the food here and it’s so good but more than that, the views are incredible from here and there’s gushing river next to it. So there’s music, there’s the sound of rivers , there’s beautiful lightning and also have a really nice coffee shop . 


Kasol, known as the mini-Israel of India, is a tiny hamlet in the middle of Parvati Valley. Over the years, Kasol has become quite commercialised and has also gained a slightly negative reputation, but there are also many unique things that you can explore because this Himalayan village offers a lot.And after that, when you feel you have seen it all, you take a left, and the entire world opens up in front of you like a canvas. It is a fairy tale from the morning such as this that never fails to uplift your spirits. The vast green meadow is interrupted by the cluster of pine trees and then by the beautiful forest of silver birch. Ahead like tiny dots and horses graced by the Meandering pumper river. 

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